Business Self-Storage Services in Singapore
Many businesses and entrepreneurs, especially those who are just starting out, lack the space they need to store essential items such as supplies, inventory, and equipment. At Urban Space Self Storage, we understand that there is no one-size-fits-all solution for business storage – the needs of a pharmaceutical company and a retail business vary greatly. Recognising that your needs are unique to your business, we are proud to offer an extensive range of self-storage solutions that cater to your requirements. Our storage facilities in Singapore are well-maintained and highly secured, so you can rest assured that your belongings will be safe in our hands. To further help you balance your monthly rental costs and feasibility of space, we take it a step further by offering solutions at a cost-effective rental.
Let us help you grow your business!
Tap on Our Perks: The Co-Working Lounge
In addition to our self-storage space, our self-storage users and business owners can look forward to leveraging our co-working lounge located in the very same building. This means you no longer need to go to and fro from our storage facility to your office, and vice versa – they’re only a few steps away. Moreover, our co-working office is equipped with the same amenities you’d normally find in traditional offices, offering you greater flexibility and convenience.
Urban Space: Your Go-To Self-Storage Solutions for Your Business
Let us journey with you as you take your company to new heights! Choose from our 370 storage units to get started. Don’t hesitate to contact us for more information.